Important Notice: CloudMQTT is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

Documentation Getting started

CloudMQTT are managed Mosquitto servers in the cloud. Mosquitto implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol, MQTT, which provides lightweight methods of carrying out messaging using a publish/subscribe message queueing model.

publish subscribe example

MQTT is the machine-to-machine protocol of the future. It is ideal for the “Internet of Things” world of connected devices. Its minimal design makes it perfect for built-in systems, mobile phones and other memory and bandwidth sensitive applications.

Message queues provide an asynchronous communications protocol, the sender and receiver of the message do not need to interact with the message queue at the same time. Messages placed onto the queue are stored until the recipient retrieves them or until the messages times out. MQTT and Mosquitto are for good use by bandwidth sensitive applications.

CloudMQTT let you focus on the application instead of spending time on scaling the broker or patching the platform.

cloudmqtt example overview

Create a CloudMQTT instance

Create an account and login to the control panel and press + Create New Instance.

CloudMQTT control panel

To get started you need to sign up for a customer plan. What plan you require depends on your use case. We offer four different plans for different needs. One shared plan intended for development or small hobby projects. Three dedicated plans suited for production environments.

Pick a name and plan for your instance. You also have the option of tagging your instance. Click Select Region to choose data center.

cloudmqtt create new instance Select what data center and region your instance should be in. Click Review to check your configuration. cloudmqtt create new instance data center

The instance is immediately provisioned after sign up and you can view the instance details, such as connection information, on the details page. You are sometimes forced to format a connection URL while connecting via client libraries, it should look like mqtt://user:password@server:port .

CloudMQTT control panel


You can configure Persistent client expiration and Use username as client in settings.


Users and ACL

You can manage user access and ACL rules to your hosted MQTT instance through our HTTP API. Read more about ACL rules here.

Users and ACL

WebSocket UI

The WebSocket UI is a live view of data that has been sent to a topic. You can also publish a message from the WebSocket UI to a specific topic.

Websocket UI


Statistics is used to check runtime metrics.



Connections will list all active connections to your instance.



The Log tab shows your server log in real-time and can help you to troubleshoot any issues.


When you have signed up is it time to Get started with CloudMQTT with any of these guides:

Don't hesitate to contact us at if you got any questions!