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CloudMQTT is now available on Google Cloud Platform

Written by Elin Vinka

The Team behind CloudMQTT are happy to announce that we’re now available on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). We are by that offering support for all Google Cloud Platform regions worldwide.

Choosing the right data centre location for your business means that you’re optimizing the conditions for a frictionless communication with your business audience, at the same time as you’re securing the performance requirements of your business needs. By offering GCP, alongside with AWS, as an option for CloudMQTT we’ve extended the ability for you to place your business in trusted data centers by the location of your choice all over the globe.

GCP Regions and Zones

Google Cloud Platform is today available in 20 regions and 61 zones. A region is a specific geographical location where users can deploy cloud resources and most of the regions have three or more zones. Read more about Regions and Zones from GCP here.

Where do I select datacenter?

You can find all the new regions in the dropdown menu in the control panel for your account.

If you have trouble with the GCP option or have questions regarding this article you can reach out to

Best, CloudMQTT Team