Important Notice: CloudMQTT is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

News and tips

CloudMQTT is now available on Google Cloud Platform

Finally! CloudMQTT is now available on Google Cloud Platform! You can now choose to set up your CloudMQTT cluster to any of all GCP regions.

Support for 10 new regions in AWS

Our support for different regions in AWS is just growing and growing. You are now able to set up your dedicated instances in 10 new regions.

AWS Hongkong now supported

The team behind CloudMQTT is happy to announce that we now offer support for AWS Hongkong.

Updated Documentation for CloudMQTT API:s

The documentation for CloudMQTT API:s has been updated and moved to its own place. Read up about how you can create your instances, set up alarms, or restart your cluster via the API:s.

Teams and SAML improvements

A set of highly requested team and user management features has arrived. Multiple teams, transfer subscriptions, SAML enforced roles and turning off password based logins.

CloudMQTT invites 2019

Thanks for a great year! Here is what's next for 2019!

Control a SmartCar connected to the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things opens new ways of controlling toys of the future. Dr. Anwar Bashir, teacher in computing at Middlesbrough College, has developed a SmartCar kit – a toy car that can be controlled by a smartphone via WiFi. It is the perfect way to play, learn and develop understanding about the way the internet is transforming our lives right now.

What is the client id and where do I find it?

We get a lot of questions about what the client id is and where it can be found. This short article will hopefully help you during your MQTT journey.

Migrate to a dedicated instance

Ready to move out from your shared server to a dedicated one?

Enable CPU, Memory usage and Disk Space alarms

Tadaa! We thought you might like the possibility to set alarms based on CPU, Memory usage, and disk space for CloudMQTT. And why wouldn't you? It's great!