Important Notice: CloudMQTT is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

Cute Cat is Out of Stock

Written by Elin Vinka

The CloudMQTT free plan “Cute Cat” is out of stock. Going forward, you will not be able to create new Cute Cat instances. What should you use instead? Meet Humble Hedgehog - the CloudMQTT plan for $5 per month.

Cute Cat has been a popular plan for IoT-development and hobby projects, which is great but we want to be able to offer good support and maintenance to all of our customers. By removing the Cute Cat plan, we will avoid the creation of new free instances that are ultimately unused.

This change will increase the number of projects that actually go live! It will also improve our ability to offer better on-time support to all of our CloudMQTT customers. If you’re already using Cute Cat, you can continue to do so without having to upgrade, but be aware that no new instances can be created.

If you have any questions about this plan change, please send an email to