Important Notice: CloudMQTT is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

CloudMQTT invites 2019

Written by Elin Vinka

And so another year for CloudMQTT has passed. Let's take some time to recap another successful year and point out some of the components for making it so.

2018 has been an exciting year that we (besides developing and deep-diving into the world of IoT!) spent time listening and learning from our loyal CloudMQTT users. In regards to that; this past year mostly been about live up to our own and our customers' expectations on being the provider of an easy-to-use IoT SaaS. And we’ve learned a lot!

By popular demand, CloudMQTT added a new 5 dollar plan (Humble Hedgehog). So, regardless if you intend to use CloudMQTT for personal or work-related purposes, this plan gives you a deeper insight into CloudMQTT and its features without having to pay more than 5 dollars/month.

We also changed all larger plans to dedicated plans, which provides guaranteed isolation between servers. Our dedicated plans are not artificially limited in any way, meaning that the maximum performance is determined by the underlying instance type.

This year we also introduced alarms based on CPU, Memory usage, and disk space which allows you to get promptly notified via email or webhooks when resources are running low and the instance is at risk of not be able to handle more load. And we’re constantly doing our best for making CloudMQTT as efficient, easy (and fun to work with!) as we possibly can!

So what's next for 2019?

First of all, the CloudMQTT team is expanding and this means that we in 2019 will, to a greater extent, offer technical support 24/7 since we’re adding staff in Asia! This year, we'll focus on our many (different) CloudMQTT users, by providing larger plans. We'll put a lot of effort into benchmarking our current plans, so that we can improve number of connections on CloudMQTT clusters for enterprise customers. We will also add the option to peer the CloudMQTT cluster with AWS VPC.

And, as always, our many (and different) users requests are the very fuel in our improvements and changes-machine. If you have ideas, requests, questions or would like us to write a User Story, don't hesitate to contact us at

All the best,
CloudMQTT team